Friday, December 2, 2011

Finally A Break

So far today has been a really easy day.  It started off with a really easy Spanish 2 test that I am almost sure I aced.  What a great start right?  Well it got even better.  Communications Technology is one of the hardest classes I have; learning all about Photoshop is not as fun as it sounds.  Today was such a break from the normal grind that this class requires.  I am not working all the way to the bell and I even had the time left to give you this extra blog post, even though it was assigned; whatever.  Well I have nothing left to say so since I do not think Ms. Rod thinks I am very smart, here are some pictures that support racial equality and acceptance of others:

Oh also it is Friday and who is not pumped about that so:

Well now I really have nothing left to say so....

I'm Jon Zimmerman, signing off (© Matt Stromberg)

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