Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Learning to Blog on a Blog?

Hi, I'm Jon and this is my blog which you could probably already tell.   By the way it is supposed to be "Inside the Mind of a Bro" but it was too bro and Blogger could not handle it.  Well Ms. Rod has assigned our class to post a weekly blog about what we learned in school that week.  Here is a picture of a purple elephant wearing Nikes:

By the way one thing I learned this week is how to post a picture in my blog.  Oh yeah and I learned to make a blog.  Do you like it?  Comment with your comments.

To keep Ms. Rod happy here is a list of some things I learned:
  • Genetics
  • Spanish Preterite Grammar
  • How to Create a TurnItIn.com account
  • Information About Google Docs
There is probably other stuff too but that is all I remember so this is Jon Zimmerman, signing off (copyright © Matt Stromberg)

1 comment:

  1. Look! I'm commenting with my comment! Jon is bro and so is his blog!
